Mike Fagan,
April 27, 2022
Fission 3.0 Corp. (TSX-V: FUU)(OTC: FISOF) — currently trading around C$0.14 per share — has announced that its partner company on the Hearty Bay uranium project, Traction Uranium Corp., has encountered an encouraging clay-altered fault zone in the current drill program.
The 11,173-hectare Hearty Bay project is located in the prolific Athabasca Basin region of Saskatchewan, Canada — home to some of the largest and richest uranium deposits on the planet.

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Fourteen drill holes for 1,300 meters have been completed thus far at Hearty Bay. Holes HB22-005 and HB22-008 intersected a 3-meter zone and an 11.5-meter zone, respectively, of faulted basement rocks with strong hydrothermal clay alteration, which is characteristic of uranium mineralization in the Athabasca Basin.
Fission 3.0 reports that more than 400 drill core samples have now been submitted to the lab for processing in an effort to further refine the next set of drill targets at Hearty Bay.
With uranium racing to 11-year highs above US$63 per pound with plenty of runway to go, the Fission 3.0 team is wasting no time in advancing its robust portfolio of sixteen early-stage Athabasca-based uranium exploration assets.
The company has commenced ground geophysics at its 100%-owned Cree Bay uranium property in preparation for drilling. Work programs are also continuing at the Lazy Edward uranium project, which is the other property Traction Uranium is earning into from FUU.
Plans are also in place for a follow-up summer drill program at the 100%-owned Patterson Lake North (“PLN”) project. PLN is located in the same area where Fission Uranium and NexGen Energy are advancing the world-class Triple R and Arrow uranium deposits.

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Previous drilling at PLN intersected anomalous radioactivity in the basement rocks at the Broach Lake target; the FUU team is no doubt excited to resume drilling at that target as well as the North Conductor targets in the coming months.
With approximately C$13 million in the treasury, Fission 3.0 is well-funded for its multiple, multiple shots-on-goal in what’s shaping up to be a uranium bull market for the ages as clean, carbon-emission-free nuclear energy takes center stage in the fight against climate change.
Our own Gerardo Del Real of Junior Resource Monthly caught up with Fission 3.0 CEO Dev Randhawa to get his expert take on the current uranium boom plus a look at FUU’s 100%-owned and partner-funded work programs at multiple Athabasca-based uranium exploration projects. Enjoy!
Yours in profits,
Mike Fagan
Editor, Resource Stock Digest
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