Perry wants to 'make nuclear energy cool again'

Energy Secretary Rick Perry said Tuesday that one of his agency's goals is to push nuclear energy.

"One of the things we want to do at [the Department of Energy] is to make nuclear energy cool again," Perry said during a lengthy news conference at the White House Tuesday.

He said, "You remember when we were kids, well, sorry, you are nowhere near my age. But when I was younger in the '60s, and a lot of kids wanted to go into the nuclear energy field."

But that isn't the case now, he said, "because this industry has been strangled all too often by government regulations." He wants the U.S. to begin again to "bring us to that place where nuclear energy is part of a portfolio, and be able to sell it in great truthfulness and honesty about what it can add to America from an environmental standpoint and from a security standpoint."

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